Bryan Ng |
BC quality forumBrooke Cheng
Hong Li Bianca Zaidel Angela Wong Han Hsiao Rajneet Kaur Dhinsa Jennifer Dahl Shamikh Lakhani |
other conferences and workshopsReilly Baldwin - International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) Fellowship Programme
Brian Hayes - International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) Fellowship Programme Zamina Zahra Mithani - BMJ International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare Lauren Gorfinkel - i4 Quality Summit Kendra Leanne Scarrott - San’yas Anti-Racism Indigenous Cultural Safety Core Training Anthony Preston - San’yas Anti-Racism Indigenous Cultural Safety Core Training |
"The IHI forum was a stark reminder about the limitations to the contemporary healthcare system. But it was also a place of inspiration and hope. Hearing stories and successes happening all across the world inspires me to do better and voraciously look for ways to overcome the limitations."
Lauren gorfinkel
"In any healthcare system there are shortcomings that need fixing, however, focusing too hard on the gaps can sometimes take away from creating positive change for the future. For example, many health care initiatives focus on improving patient care, but many fewer target the billions of people who do not access healthcare to begin with."
anthony preston
"This course provided me with the insight that being an effective healthcare worker is not simply about reaching the correct diagnosis or providing the correct medication, but rather, much of the healing comes through the therapeutic bond that a healthcare worker forms with their patient, once they listen openly while providing a culturally safe environment."
Reilly baldwin
"A main take away was how the increasing rate of change, whether that be new technologies or new types of diagnostics and treatments, in combination with the rising complexities of healthcare demand, costs and increased requirements for standards of care, are placing large pressures on the ability to continuously evaluate quality of care due to the fast evolution of care being delivered."